
Sylvain Rabot

33700 Mérignac

Born April 3rd 1987
Holder of a driving license
Holder of a coastal boating license
Holder of a private pilot license (PPL with SEP rating)


PGP: 0x13d27dfb503a8d91


Cloud Architecture / Kubernetes
Systems and Network Architecture

Professional Experience

2021 - ...
Artex: Infrastructure Manager

Hired to create the company's infrastructure, build and manage an SRE team to maintain it, evolve it, and support development teams in the deployment process of their applications.

Implementation and management of the following solutions:

  • Microsoft O365 / Entra ID
  • AWS
  • Cloudflare
  • GitHub
  • Tailscale
  • Terraform Cloud
  • Splunk
  • Confluence / Jira
  • Sectigo Certificate Manager
  • PagerDuty
  • 1Password
  • Apple Business Manager
  • Jamf

Creation of an AWS infrastructure:

  • Multi-account architecture segregated by environment with centralized billing and access management.
  • Management of all infrastructure using IAC with Terragrunt and then Terraform Cloud.
  • Implementation of SSO with Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) for all internal services.
  • Creation of a private VPC architecture only accessible to partners via Direct Connect or via Cloudflare.
  • Creation of Kubernetes EKS clusters in each environment.
  • Advanced access management with custom IAM roles.
  • Implementation of Direct Connect with partners.

Creation of a Kubernetes infrastructure:

  • Implementation of basic cluster components using FluxCD (CNI, reverse-proxy, logging, monitoring, etc.).
  • Implementation of Karpenter for node lifecycle management.
  • Implementation of Cilium to replace AWS VPC CNI.
  • Implementation of RBAC management associated with AWS roles for users.
  • Implementation of monitoring / tracing / profiling / supervision based on Prometheus, Grafana, Pyroscope, Thanos and PagerDuty.
  • Implementation of an authenticated proxy (Pomerium) to restrict access to certain critical applications.
  • Implementation of a process to shut down dev environments at night and on weekends.

Implementation of GitHub Enterprise:

  • Implementation of Git best practices.
  • Implementation of CI/CD with GitHub Actions.

Implementation of a company VPN with Tailscale:

  • Mandatory gateway to access all resources hosted in AWS that are not publicly accessible.
Betclic: Senior SRE

Hired to create an AWS infrastructure to host Kubernetes clusters.

2017 - 2021
Lectra: Cloud Systems Engineer

Member of Production / Operations team responsible for the implementation, management, and maintenance of a "Cloud" architecture based on Microsoft Azure as part of the company's software offering transformation from "thick clients" to a "thin clients" offering hosted in the cloud.

  • Implementation / management of a "Cloud" architecture based on Azure
  • Implementation / management of Kubernetes clusters
  • Implementation / management of monitoring and supervision services
  • Implementation / management of a Splunk cluster for log management
  • Support for R&D teams
2011 - 2016
F-Secure: Systems and Network Architect

Team Hosting, division Storage and Digital Content
Interventions on production environments for clients: Orange, British Telecom, VirginMedia, SFR.

  • Initial sizing and deployments of platforms
  • Deployments of the virtualization layer
  • Deployments of OS and applications
  • Load and high availability tests
  • Additions of new equipment related to capacity increases
  • Daily maintenance
  • Level 2 and 3 on-call duties
2007 - 2010
F-Secure: Solution Engineer

Team Professional Services, division Storage and Digital Content.
Projects for telecom operators: Orange, SFR, Singtel, La Poste

  • Development of the backend solution (PHP + PostgreSQL)
  • Development of backend-to-backend SSO interfaces with clients

Open Source

yageFork of AGE that allows encryption/decryption within YAML files.
go-yaml-ageGo library that implements a wrapper to encrypt/decrypt with AGE values inside YAML files.
Flux, Prometheus, Thanos, TraefikVarious contributions to meet company needs.

Technical Skills

ScriptingBash / Zsh, Powershell, Python
Operating SystemsLinux
Cloud ProvidersAzure, AWS
Continuous Integration & DeploymentGitHub, GitLab, Jenkins, CircleCI, Travis
Reverse ProxyNGINX, Traefik, Pomerium
Kubernetes EcosystemFlux, Kustomize, Helm, Karpenter, External DNS, Cilium
Infrastructure as CodeTerraform / Terragrunt, Ansible, Fabric
MonitoringPrometheus, Grafana, Thanos, Splunk
MiscellaneousGit, Make, jq


April 2018TOEIC: 990/1000
September 2015ITIL Foundation V3
December 2009TOEIC: 935/990
2007 - 2010Master in Computer Science
  • Supinfo - 33000 BORDEAUX, FRANCE
  • Supinfo - 94133 SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA
2005 - 2007DUT Informatique
IUT de Bayonne - 64100 BAYONNE
2004 - 2005Baccalauréat Général série S
Lycée Sud Médoc - 33320 LE TAILLAN MEDOC